I woke up today deeply saddened to learn that Bobby Short, America's foremost leading cabaret lounge performer (pianist/singer) of classic American Song passed away this morning (Monday, 3/21) from leukemia at 80 years old. He was one of the last remaining living American music icons who had personally known & played for many of the greatest american songbook composers of the 1st half of the 20th C , (from George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Jerome Kern, Irving Berlin, Richard Rogers, Lorenz Hart, Hoagy Carmichael, Oscar Hammerstein). Short's musical style (both piano playing & singing) was impeccable. I was fortunate to catch a couple of his shows when he appeared in the Bay Area (San Francisco) a few years ago. His unique performance style left an indelible lasting impression on me. My only disappointment is that I never got to see him perform at the Hotel Carlyle in NYC, where he has been the house entertainer for over 35 years.
Mr Short displayed class & wit, and unsurpassed vocal & pianistic elegance no longer seen today. If you appreciate classic American Standards, Cabaret jazz & the magic of live performance, I highly recommend checking out his music. My favorite album of his is: "Late Night At the Cafe Carlyle, as it best captures the mood of his live performance:
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000003D3A/104-5675610-2379928?v=glance Scott