The price is well below market value for a "new" product, there is no actual picture of the item up for auction, the seller apparently has no feedback from selling only buying, the seller has never left a single feedback for anyone who has left feedback for them, the seller has had no activity on Ebay since 2000, they have no AOL profile for the AOL e-mail address provided, they have recently changed their Ebay user ID, and they'll only accept a money order or cashiers check for payment. While the auction may be legitimate there are way too many red flags to give any reasonable person a true sense of security with this purchase. I won't be shocked if the person who wins the auction ends up losing their money to a scam. If not they got a great deal and we were all over analyzing the auction.
[This message has been edited by Ensnareyou (edited 07-29-2003).]