Just placed my order with Cakewalk for 2.0.
Terry: Great to hear that Sonar 2.0 is running smoother than 1.31 was. I personally haven't experienced any noticeable hangups with 1.31 so I'm curious just what specific improvements I might notice with 2.0 which make it run smoother: faster command response times, quicker screen redraws, etc?
The Pro: Yes, this new OPT technology sounds exciting. I assume the Yamaha OPT 'Panel' support on the Tyros will allow you to perform Tyros 'voice editing' (via Sonar) from a DAW control surface device such as Tascam's US-428, right?
I read that Yamaha's OPT 'Views' provides support for providing sophisticated MIDI edit views which include auto accompaniment data. Sonar 2.0 does not recognize Yamaha specific XF Meta Event data (which includes auto accomp 'chord' data) so I'm hoping this plug-in will provide a way to integrate (save) this Yamaha specific chord data along with the standard midi data in Sonar 2.0.
I'm also interested in finding out what the OPT 'Processor' feature might provide to Tyros and Sonar 2.0 owners?
This new OPT technology sounds cool and I'm excited to hear that it's supported on the Tyros. Pro: Many Thanks for enlightening us on this subject.