So, another little add to PRM is about to be released: configurations management.
What is a configuration? Simply, the whole set of styles inside your Pa.
What can you do? Well, first of all, take a look at this screenshot:
All you have to do is:
1) Select the bank slot using the bank selector board (I made it as close as Pa real board)
2) Choose a bank (up to 16 styles) from the tree (banks are written in black) on the right and link it to that slot or drag and drop single styles from the tree to the boxes (styles are written in blue).
In the picture BANK0004 (and its 16 styles) is linked to BALLROOM slot.
Acting this way you can link up to:
a) 19 banks (that is 304 styles) to 19 slots
b) 3 banks to DIRECT FD slot
c) 9 banks to DIRECT HD slot
This set of 31 banks is what I call a configuration.
This can be saved, loaded, modified ....
But, more important, you can generate the set of floppy needed for moving this data to your Pa:
a) This data will be written on 4 floppy disks, and can be restored as if you were restoring musical resources. If you have the USB card, this data can be moved to your PA HD and restored from there (much faster, of course)
b) This data will be written on a single floppy. This is simply another way offered by PRM for building DIRECT FD floppy disks.
c) This data are useful only if you have the USB board and the HD inside your PA: data will be moved directly to the right HD folder and Pa will load them (but you need to power it off and on (
KORG: are you listening? We need the reboot option, please! ). This is simply another way offered by PRM for building DIRECT HD banks.
If you have no USB card, PRM will store these styles in a single floppy, naming them DHD01 to DHD09: you'll have to load them inside user slots and save them for DIRECT HD (it is a three step process, of course).
I forget to tell you that each style can be freely renamed without affecting original style name.
I hope that I can release this before the end of this month.
Thanks a lot for any feedback.