"Interesting piece. What keyboard or keyboards are you using? I listened to your other songs as well. I liked Shotgun. Good (Metal Crunch) work."
As for Shotgun...few things that can be done with it only Ill spare my blah blah blah. Anyhow IM happy with the guitar riffs that are there and glad you enjoyed it
Keyboards...one is the Alesis Ion, that sadly I only have one track up for at nowhereradio " HowWhy."
As for other keyboards used, I feel one of them is somewhat transparent. With a few more tracks IM sure most members here would know it. Not to be any sort of way...just I would like to skip any bias of gear used while I can. Many members here seem to have what X and XX can and cant do in stone, if IM lucky enough to do something's that counter X and XX I think that would be cool. Not that I have any vile intent behind it, just I think a grace period of not knowing exactly what your hearing could be a good thing. Brand name price and all that stuff can fade into the background.
Only given I rotate tracks...some clues could be taken away such as...
"Carrie-uk Listening to The Dream right now.... LOVE that piano!!!!!"
lol if thats any sort of clue.
Anyhow...if someone posts up "hey I know that keyboard/s its a blah blah blah" ill go YUP!!! without hindrance. Beyond that its only a few tracks or days before I spill the not so mysterious Beans anyway