After tweeking the sound on the 9000 it sounds realy great to me, listening to mp3's of the tyros and 3000 they do sound great,but don't think I'd see much difference in a huge hall, The feel of the these keyboards dos'nt feel quite as good to me and I use the aftertouch alot on guitars etc,(none on 3000) and I love the scats in the 9000.(none on tyros). The weight is not a problem with me. I don't gig like I use to with the guitar, Only play the keyboard now and only been playing for about 3 years,I only transport it maybe 15-20 times a year, and the way I have things set up, takes 5 mins to tear down and the same to set back up, I use a fold-up luggage dolly to move it and the two sattelite amps, the stand (tyros) mfc-10 and volume plus 2 footswitches is all one piece hardwired. so its easy, I love the weight once its set up, don't have to worry about it getting knocked over,(or trying to keep it in place while playing) plus no wires to speak of and the amps have tilt back legs.
I guess there is two reasons I have for updating, one is a more keys and the second is the rubber strip on the psr9k don't hold up, I've changed it 5 times in 3 years, part is to pounding on the keyboard part is (I think)) caused by damage in shipping from Yamaha to me, Part is they just wear out! I think the metal Zbar that holds the keys is twinked a bit, after the 3rd rubber strip I found 3 screw stripped out and pulled loose from the zbar to the case mounting. (easy repair) but not to the alum bar. I wish sometimes that I'd received a factory perfect board, but I did'nt find out until well after the warranty expired.
I guessed I missed out on Thumb Drive what's this and how does it work?
My wife says she will promote my Rocket Scientist rating when I stop trying to buy a new VCR everytime it starts blinking 12:00