You are right. When you see those stars it means that XG works does not find that particular voice on your keyboard as it is setup in the patch list, via the patch number and the banks ( MSB and LSB ). That is why the voice on your 550 doesn't change.
This is one of the things that always troubled me when using XG works. There is no way ( at least that I've ever seen ) to add or modify patch lists. Yamaha does offer an "updater" at there XG works factory site, but while it includes several of the later models, ( 9000, 540 etc ) it does not include the 550.
The best thing I can tell you, short of a better solution from someone else, is to compare the patch list of the 540 and the 550. ( You should be able to download a 540 manual from Yamaha's main website ) . If they are reasonably close ( I'm guessing they will be ), you can download the "updater " from Yamaha's XG factory site by going to
http://www.xgfactory.com/HTML/down/main.htm#YamahaSoftware At least then you can assign the 540 patch list in XG edit mode and be reasonably close. ( I used the 740 patch list for the 2000 when I had it and the majority of the banks and patches were the same between the two )
I wish I knew of a better solution. I like some of the features of XG works a lot, but the patch list limitation keeps me from working in XG works at times.
[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 08-12-2002).]