Hi Scott,
As you know from previous discussions, I use the workaround on the T1 of using bitmaps to display the lyrics (and sometimes chords or music) to any song when I call up the registration for that song. I see that the T2 now uses simple text (.txt) files direct to display lyrics.
I generally like to have all the lyrics on a single screen and this is easily achieved using bitmaps as you can convert your word document using a variety of fonts or sizes (ie - lots of words = smaller font size).
However, I see from the blurb I received from Yamaha with their free CD full of new demos for the T2 that the text seems to be displayed in the same format as Kareoke files do on the T1 with spaces between lines which probably only results in about 8 short lines of words at most per screen.
My 2 questions to you T2 experts out there are:
1) Are there options to display more txt on the T2 screens
2) Can you confirm that it is still possible to use the bitmap workaround as per the T1.
Thanks far any detailed information you guys can provide on this as it is important to an old "duffer" like me with failing memory....
The CD that Yamaha sent has additional demos over and above the ones you find on the net including a whole section on new organ voicings plus one on how to use and control the SA voices. It is worth registering with them to get it if you are interested in these - Unfortuntely it is too large to post on the net as it is about 40 minutes running time.
Regards - Keith
[This message has been edited by KFingers (edited 11-26-2005).]