I have a Yamaha PSR 9000 connected to my PC via midi in and out. As everyone knows the XG voices on it are quite good, and the panel voices are even better. So I made an instrument defintion file for the PSR 9000. What I found out then is that the "best" voices (e.g. Live! & Cool voices) are spread out across quite a few banks. Anyway then I fired up ProAudio 9 and opened a midi file and started playing it back. I mapped all the tracks to my new instrument definition and off I went. Then I had to go through each track and determine which voice (instrument) was assigned to that track and find the bank with the best corresponding voice in it and set it to that bank. A very manual process.
The question is... Can I create a single bank, that would have a GM mapping of all the best voices I could find. Many of which would come from different banks. I could then use this as the default GM bank for MIDI files and not have to manually assign banks to every midi track. I know I could write a .CAL script to assign banks to midi tracks but, to the best of my knowledge, you cannot programmatically get track information from a midi track so the CAL script would have no way of knowing which voice is supposed to be mapped to the track and therefore would not be able to change that track to the bank with the best corresponding voice in it. Any ideas or experience with this kind of problem (and hopefully solution) would be appreciated.