Originally posted by Beakybird:
This will free up the pedal I use for sustain for another purpose: namely to trigger fills.Beakybird
First of all, I'm thrilled
to hear that you're wanting to dedicate a footswitch to triggering fills. I GUARANTEE, that by assigning 'fill to self' to a footswitch that it will make your performance sound both MORE exciting (LIVE) and Professional, because by freeing up BOTH hands to dedicate exclusively to actually PLAYING the 'entire' keyboard, you'll be able to then add tasty drum fills at just the right spots in the song ANYTIME you wish. This would be physically IMPOSSIBLE to achieve any other way, that's unless you're an Octopus with more than two hands.
If BOTH the 'midi sustain pedal' & 'HDM Flash Memory Hard Drive' deliver as promised, this will solve the long standing complaints I've had with the PSR2000 and encourage me to take my PSR2000 out for small gigs again.
Successfuly adding 3 pedal & HD support will make the PSR2000 (as well as the new PSR2100) an even MORE attractive budget concious alternative ($1,200 street price: INCLUDING both midi sustain & HDM Flash drive) vs Tyros ($2,400 street price) than it already is.
Ok, I know some of you may be asking now if I think the Tyros is worth the difference in price vs the PSR2000, especially in light of the prospects of the HDM drive & midi sustain add on features. For me, the Tyros is worth the cost difference because coming from a background as a pro keyboardist, I need & appreciate the studier keyboard build and more responsive action. In addition, instant access to 1000's of styles-songs stored on the Tyros HD as well as PC support for Tyros HD 2 way file transfer & management, sound editings, etc, is another great Tyros feature that the PSR2000 doesn't include. The full color LCD tilt screen and improved navigation, and larger buttons (lighted) are much better on the Tyros as well. The 'mega voices' (on the Tyros) are certainly impressive, but not mandatory as the PSR2000's sounds are impressive enough in their own right. For those willing to accept the spongier PSR2000 keyboard action & flimsy key contruction, and who also have to have built in speakers, than the PSR2100/2000 is a smart choice. I myself love having both the Tyros & PSR2000 at my peforming disposal. Lately I've been taking the Tyros to all my gigs, taking along (on the small gigs) the Motion Sound KP100S (+ possibly the Tyros subwoofer box if added bass omph is desired), and adding the EV SxA100's for the larger events, utilizing the KP100S as a personal stage monitor.
Larry (Beaky), I'm anxious to hear your feedback after you've finally received and had a chance to test out both the HDM hard drive & midi pedal on your PSR2000.