I recently received a query as to the status of the Tyros Group Purchase idea. Since I haven't written about this in a while I thought you'd be interested in my reply. I'm sure several of us, people who expressed an interest in the potential of this opportunity, have gone ahead individually and already ordered a Tyros and will not be participating in any group purchase. As I had originally stated, that's fine. There was no commitment in your initial interest.
Yes, I still plan to pursue the idea of a Group Purchase. If any of you have already ordered your Tyros, you might want to forward this to anyone who could be interested....
What I said regarding the status of the Group Purchase is this:
I made some enquiries and got some indications that we could get quite a good price, as a group. But then Yamaha delayed shipment, as you know, until just before Xmas. I've felt this is not the best time to pursue this to the point of getting a deal. I think it will be better to wait until after Xmas buying and the initial rush of "first user" orders. Moreover, I think many of the people who might be interested in the group purchase would like to see/feel/etc. one before committing. I suspect most would be able to do this in January. That's when I plan to renew my queries.
I'm sure that I will be able to advise of a "best offer" price by the end of January, or advise that we should drop the idea because it won't work out, for one reason or another.
I hope this hasn't been an inconvenience to anyone. I hope you understand that I did not cause the shipment delay
PS: If you're reading this and want to be offered the group price, if I get a good one, please send an email to Bob Gelman :
PPS: This was sent to 37 people who had expressed an interest in a Group Purchase