Originally posted by George Kaye:
I'm sorry but I won't be able to give you the size of the wave rom. Yamaha is keeping this information to themselves for the time being. Because of their ability to compress their samples as most companys do and do it with such great results, they say the size in actual numbers, may not be understood by most and therefore this figure will not be given out.
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene
Reseda, California
Thanks for trying George. I suspected as much to be honest. If Yamaha gave the Tyros2 300Mb of WAV ROM then no doubt they would have plastered that information on all of their web sites if only for the reason that they could show the world that the Tyros2 was king of the WAV ROM figures. The current (and still reigning) champ is the Roland G70 at 192Mb.
If Yamaha is compressing the Samples on the Tyros2 to such a degree then possibly the actual WAV ROM on the Tyros2 is "less" than the Tyros?? If that is the case then posting the WAV ROM figures on their sites could be a negative influence to potential buyers and dare I say an embarrassment to the Company itself.
As we know, the more that audio data is compressed such as .Wav samples etc., the greater is the loss in quality of that audio data. "Uncompressed" .Wav or other type of audio samples offer the greatest quality of course.
It is possible that perhaps Yamaha has come up with a way that retains a greater degree of quality in the compressing process so they may be able to compress their samples to a greater degree without a further significant amount of quality loss or possibly none at all compared to the previous method.
I wonder if Roland's samples are compressed on the G70? If they are, perhaps they are not near to the degree that Yamaha compresses theirs?? >> In theory LESS compression = greater quality. Depending of course on the actual quality of the original {uncompressed} sample. In other words a great quality sample that has been compressed can oftentimes be better than an average quality sample that is uncompressed.
Still, compression in itself is not the optimal way to create and retain the best quality possible in sound reproduction which leaves me to wonder why Yamaha is compressing the Tyros2 samples so much??

Even perhaps 2 to 4 times more than the original Tyros? Or possibly even more??
PS: Since Steve Deming no longer posts here (most likely because of strict orders from his superiors) or any other Yamaha employee for that matter, the truth may be forever hidden from us (unless of a leak maybe

) as to the WAV ROM question on the Tyros2.
But from what some have said they really do not hear a great difference between Tyros1 and Tyros2 except perhaps regarding the SA Voices. I for one think the SA Voices sound a notch up from the Tyros but there are only 42 of them so you don't have a overwhelming amount to choose from (variety wise) and in certain songs or situations there may be no corresponding SA voice that would fit in with the song so you're left to choose from one of the other Panel or XG voices. But since Yamaha greatly increased the amount of Sweet! Live! and Cool! voices on the Tyros2 it may or may not be a problem.
Best regards,