Fran, or someone else familiar with he VR-760:
I'm attempting to rename registrations and can't get the new name to stick.
I'll call up the Reg, access Edit>Reg-Common>Rename>Input New Name and replace the name characters, then press Enter. the "Completed" msg displays OK.
The new name will show OK *as long as I don't change any settings*. But if any changes and I return to the changed reg, it displays the original name, not he edited one.
For example, if I try to change "Jimmy1" to "Jimmy2", and exit the rename function (after pressing Enter), as long as I don't press any buttons, the new name is OK on the LCD.
But if I Press another registration and come back to the Jimmy2 location, it shows its original name.
What am I doing wrong here?
I can call up a reg, make changes to its paramerts (like changing drawbar footages) Write it back to that reg, and that sticks. But the name change doesn't.
Sure will appreciate any ideas you have like you've helped in the past.
I've scoured all Roland support sections, but they're no help.
What I want to accomplish is creating a bank of 8 organ settings that I can one-push onstage to get a variation of organ tones in the middle of a using the presets on a B3
TIA much,