I was on a Hammond demo today. Mainly the NewB3 was shown but also the XE-1/XE-2 played a little bit.
XE-1 is an arrenger but is also called a single manual organ. XE-2 is the same thing but with two 61-keyboards. What was interesting to me, as an old organ player, that the XE had supirior organ (hammond) sound than any arranger I've heard and the fact that is has two set of real drawbars +bas. It has the same organ soung engine as XK-2. Unfortunately I had no chance to try it myself today but I will do so later. Also besides the organ it sounded good to me to. However the spec doesn't seem to be impressive for the price, almost USD 4000. A major drawback is that it lacks aftertouch.
Sad that none of the other brands can show up a decent organ sound and an easy way of controling drawbars for three manuals.