Hi everybody:
Once more into the breech... the Epson R200 does have a flimsy CD printing tray. It's leading edge is made from clear plastic that has been bonded to the front of the tray. After 1000+ uses, the clear plastic begins to become mis-shapen and sometimes causes the tray to hang upon entry into the printer. To circumvent this problem, I provide a little manual thumb pressure at the start of the printing process and the tray slides right on in, automatically aligns itself and prints in stunning color in less than a minute. (Unless of course, I go wild and ask it to print all the colors of the rainbow in very expensive ink.)
No, Semi-live, I don't have the courage to put water on my precious CDs full of a dozen of my original songs. If I had a serious concern about this, I would spray clear protectant (previously discussed in this topic)on the top printed surface. So far, I have not had a single record company or publisher or producer complain about smearing or discolorization.
I still don't recommend the Epson R-300 because you have to load the CD tray from the rear of the machine and that takes up entirely too much desk space to suit me. My partner, the famous actor, Mike Hackworth, has a 300 and my 200 costs less, prints just as fast and does just as good a printing job.
Hope this helps you guys. (No, I am not on Epson's payroll!) Hmmm, maybe I should give them a call... Just kidding!
RICE (The Lone Arranger)