To change the instrument assignment of an 'accomp style', go to Mixer Console, select Vol/Voice tab, press C button to go to Voice parameter field, select specific voice part you want to change (using 1-8 buttons), then select new sound. To actually save this new style setup, you need to save it as a 'new' USER style: Go to: Digital Recording>Style Creator>select assembly tab window; Select SAVE (j button).
Originally posted by riva:
I noticed that when I record an arrangement on my PSR 2000 using multi record and then put it into my "Cakewalk" program, some of the parts seemed to have transposed...anyone know why?
thanks! -riva
Hi Riva, Yep, I notice the same thing. The Right, Layer, and Left tracks are offset by 1/2 step. I just transpose these 3 tracks (in Cakewalk) back by 1/2 step, and it solves the problem. When the midi file is then loaded back into the 2000, it also plays correctly in the 2000. I guess it's just one of the worlds 'mysteries'. Anyone else here have an answer to this anamoly?