Dan: I agree with you, but hey, I'm still licking my wounds and drying my tears over our Giants defeat, and the distinct possibility that we may lose Dusty Baker next year. Still, I send my congratualations to the Angels team for performing so well & winning, but just WAIT till NEXT year guys
Btw: speaking of TV sports broadcast gripes: I appreciate instant replays, but I hate how they flash up all those cutaway shots, expecting to see an instant replay, but instead seeing something from another game entirely, or even another season. That imo can really destroy the impact (focus) on the 'current' play and can even confuse the TV viewer about what is going on. I suspect that the networks show flashbacks, conduct audience polls, flashing trivia, sound & visual efx etc, because they think Amercians now have very short attention spans. What happened to good ol fashioned baseball? Curious how others feel about this.