Hi Guys/Gals
Haven't been around for awhile, life has me on this ride and I'm ready for it to stop. (The ride that is)
I hope all is well with everyone...
I've been thinking about a new board and reading some of the posting on the G-70 ver2. It seems to be of interest to me. I do wish though that there were more style availability.
I just came across some Guitar videos on one of Rolands sites. For anyone interested here's the link.
http://rolandmusik.de/hauptseite.shtml Important! at the top click the G-70 power Pack link and let it play in it's entirety, it will take you to the videos...
They are new!
It really would be nice if they would include the US in their promotional values... (Enlish language) Anyway enjoy.
[This message has been edited by Lou Y (edited 10-19-2005).]
[This message has been edited by Lou Y (edited 10-19-2005).]