Wow a software T2! That would be pretty damn cool. Would it sell??? Hell yes it would, but Yammie would never make something like this..., they could't do it, and then justify the $3,000 and up price on the keyboard version

Of course that would apply to any of the upper end arrangers, and not just with Yamaha.
Either hardware, or softare module forms would sell. There's no question to that. Yamaha and the other's know there's money in these units. Only problem is the companies don't want to lose the sales on the actual keyboard itself. The last decent modules (synth wise) that come to mind were the Triton Classic Rack, and the Yamaha EX5-R.
Now the companies release the rack versions, but with no sequencers and other goodies that you have to buy the actual keyboard to get.
Oh well....., anyway it would be very cool to get a software version of a T2 or other major arranger. I could only imagine the price tag that would follow something like this though.
From what I'v heard that software version of the M1 has good sales. The M1 as you and I know is a Korg legend too, and from what I've read Korg really hit it dead on with the software version and did an amazing job replicating the original M1 sounds.