I spent a considerable amount of time today with the new Yamaha YPG525, and thought I'd give my opinions on the unit..... IT SUCKS! Naaaa, I'm just kidding--thought I'd throw you all for a loop, but seriously though, here are my thoughts on the keyboard:
Sound: This was really touch and go with me. I felt the L. Grand Piano was pretty nice. (keep in mind using on board speakers too). From a budget 88 key perspective I'd say it was without a doubt more than acceptable (Yammie's pianos sounds aren't my favorite, but for a budget keyboard this sound will please many). The other pianos and EP's were so so, but again considering the intended market, most will probably find them ok.
Organs: Blah, did not like them.
Strings: They were alright. Had some texture to them, but lacked any real depth in my opinion.
Brass/Reed: Well (in my opinion) I think the only two worth mentioning here are the Sweet Saprano, and Clarinet. I never really cared for the Sweet Tenor (I personally think the sounds too mushy)
Guitars: Absolutely did not do it for me--not even close. Goodness why are they still using those lifeless distorted guitars. My Roland's GM guitars sound better--my opinion of course.
Bass: Uhhh sorry-again did not tickle my pickle here. As I said about the guitars why they're still using those "dated" bass guitars today--I'll never understand. Agian my Roland's GM basses are better (my opinion of course--but would be happy to post clips of the GM bass guitars if anyone wants to judge for themselves).
Drums: No,No,No,No, for the love of all that is holy NO! How many years have they been using those drum kits now? I'm dead serious! Am I the only one who feels it's about time they updated them? Very poor in my opinion--very "canned" sounding.
Synth: Not even going to touch this area. I feel it's best I leave it alone
Styles: They weren't too bad--would without a doubt assist and delight the player--not the best, but I've certainly heard worse.
Construction: Not too bad--although I wouldn't take the chance with it on a gig. Same poor pitchbend wheel--but is more than sufficient when considering the targed market for the keyboard.
Overall: The board is clearly aimed at a specific market. However, If you currently own a DGX-505, I wouldn't upgrade. The move up would be quite small and in my opinion not worth the upgrade. The lack of midi jacks (in my opinion) is unacceptable. To assume buyers wouldn't use that was a very poor business decision.
**the screen was also nice-a little small-but still nice
I did like the action. Although not weighted the keys felt pretty good to me. If Yammie would have only inluded basic midi jacks the board would make a half decent controller.
Would I buy it..? I'd have to say no. It would not fit any of my needs. I didn't care for many of the sounds, and honestly feel it's not worth the $599 price tag.
I'd without a doubt would buy the Casio WK-8000 over this model. I wouldn't even think twice about it. Even though the WK-8000 lacks midi jacks too, considering the many options it has over the YPG-525, it's a no brainer for me. Plus the WK-8000 is $100 cheaper, and it has more features.
Well That's it... Hope I didn't tick anyone off, but my overall opinion of the YPG is I don't think it's worth the money--nor is it worth the upgrade for current DGX-505 owners. Sorry, but that's my opinion.