I utilize a Midi Solutions brand programmable midi 'Footswitch Controller' Box:
http://midisolutions.com/prodfsw.htm to send both midi Control Change & SysEx message commands to my Yamaha Tyros keyboard.
Page 58-61 of the Tyros Data List manual lists the System Exclusive Messages recognized by the Yamaha Tyros. I'm able to successfully send & get my Tyros to recongize MOST of the SysEX commands listed, but unfortunately, there is one specific SysEx function listed I can't get my Tyros to recognize:
Vocal Harmony Pitch to Note On/OFF (listed on page 61)
F0 43 73 01 11 00 50 00 01 F7 (on)
F0 43 73 01 11 00 50 00 00 F7 (off)
I assume the FUNCTION of the above two SysEx strings are for turning the Tyros Vocal Harmonizer 'on' and 'off', in the same way that the dedicated on board Yamaha Assignable Foot Pedal function: "Vocal Harmony" on/off does, right?
Unfortunately, when I send the SysEx string:
F0 43 73 01 11 00 50 00 01 F7 to my Tyros from my midi Foot Pedal Controller, my Tyros ignores this SysEX message. I have confirmed that the Midi Controller Box is correctly sending this specific SysEX string out via midi by directly recording it into Cakewalk Sonar. I have also confirmed that my Tyros has Midi Receive set to ON (both SysEX: Rx ON and Chord SysEX: Rx ON), and receiving on the SAME channel as the midi channel sent on the Midi FootSwitch as well, with receiving channel part set to: 'Keyboard'. This is further confirmed because I'm able to successfully send the OTHER SysEX and midi Control Changes listed in the Data List Manual, via this midi footswitch controller to my Tyros.
Can Yamaha (Steve Deming?) or someone else here please CONFIRM what the SysEX command is for turning the Tyros Vocal Harmonizer 'on and 'off' is? Is this a misprint in the manual or am I simply missing something.
Help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to be able to trigger the Tyros vocal harmonizer on/off setting via my remote midi footswitch pedal controller unit as the 3 Tyros dedicated assignable foot pedals have ALREADY been allocated for other functions.
Thanks, from a 4 'foot pedal' arranger player,
http://scottyee.com [This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 12-04-2004).]