Hi pasadoble,
I agree with everything with what Rodrigues
I will add what I do.
First off I usualy have the music in front of
me, or at least the words. My short time memory is not what it used to be!
So I always write the setting on the music sheet. If you didn't want a sheet in front of
you you could type your song titles in alfa.
order, and the setting by it.
I don't name my banks. Here's how I do it.
Bank No. - Reg. No.
B1 - 1
Song Title B1-1
One floppy will hold many song setups.
I have one book over 250 songs, all the settups on one floppy, hasn't even used a 1/4 of the disk. Works for me!
Hey "Rodrigues" I figured a dumb way of how to tell how much memory you have left in the 2000 flash memory.
Load everything you have in user on a floppy, take it to your CB and take a look! I realize you can't tell exactly, because the system uses a part of it. "I believe."
But you can sure tell how much your building up in USER Memory.
-PS: Word of Wisdom & firsthand
experience. When you are done
with your floppy open the
protection slide & always make
you a second copy!
[This message has been edited by Nobby (edited 01-02-2002).]