I live in Sunny So. California as some of you know by now. To narrow it down further: San Diego North County. I am a 3rd generation Native and I would find it hard to live anywhere else quite frankly. You know what they say about San Diego and vicinity; that it has the BEST climate in the WORLD. The Pacific Ocean, Snow-capped Mountains: Okay Okay "in winter"'sometimes', Desert, our neighbors to the south, ie., Mexico, and Pristine Valleys, all within a short driving distance of each other. And did I mention Sun

The only black eye this area has IMO is the traffic grid-lock we have on our Freeways. (Not as bad as L.A. though which lies around 100 miles north of here.)
PS: Scott, did you attend UC Berkeley? If you did you will have to include yourself of course in your statement.

Best regards,
Originally posted by Scottyee:
Berkeley, California here (on the other side of the Bay from San Francisco). Home of the world re-nowned University of California (head & largest campus of the statewide Universty of California system) and the CAL Bears, where California culinary cuisine as well as wacky left-ist (aka Bezerkley) politics all began
- Scott