Count me as one of the dummies.

I did eventually get my software arraqnger working, but with great difficulty.
You need a good 76 note controller (I don't have that, probably why I had so much trouble) a good PC, a vst host, the vst, good speakers, OMB software, lots of patience, and some time to load it all up.
If I turn up my PSR3K, I am ready to play in 4 seconds. Gary Diamonds Grand piano voice change made it sound really good.
If I was going to play live, I would use my PSR3000 not a vst. IMO, the softsynth arranger future is coming, but it is not here yet. The software required is just not ready. What is required is a total package. One piece of software that contains all that is necessary. Not 4 different pieces of software. I also found the latency to be noticeable.
[This message has been edited by Starkeeper (edited 11-06-2006).]