Hi all,
I am curious if someone here has collected all the free new sounds created for the psr 3000 that are posted weekly at
http://www.arrangerworkstation.com/ I've d'loaded a few of the sets but am sure I do not have them all, and I would really appreciate if anyone has them all and would e-mail them to me. (see profile for e-mail)
I have been gleaning out a few here and there that sound good to me on my 2100.
Also in relation to these sounds, I have created a layer (using one of these new sounds and yammie preset) which I think is very expressive and playable and am willing to share it with anyone who write me asking for it.
Because it is a made of a tweaked user sound and is a "layer" that is so expressive, I think the only way I can send it for you to try, is to send you the user sound and a style with the layer combination saved in the ots. This may not be the only way, but it is the only way I can think of.
The resulting sound layer btw, is like a very very usable expressive wah wah guitar patch. A very fun patch to play on my 2100.
The style it is saved in (I am sorry I do not remember where I got the style and can not give credit), but it is not created by me and I hope not to upset whoever did originate this particular style. It also contains some other tweaks I had made to it regarding the ots.
I am curious why no one has started a web business selling their own sound combination creations, like the "Pro MIDI" companys do.
A lot of work, imagination, and tweaking can go into one of these and anyone using the same, or in same cases similar board, could benefit by purchasing them at a small fee, after demo'ing an mp3 of the sound of course.
The demo could not fully illustrate the fun playability of a particular sound or layer combination but one could get a good idea from the sound, and of course everyone's touch response is individual also.
This is one small way that I can repay the forum for all the great resources I have gained from it. By freely contributing some of the time and effort I used in making this layer.
And I want to take this opportunity to once again thank all the wonderful caring people who share their love of music with each other here.
Thank you
The old Newb