Dave, Dave, Dave, the style conversions are not for me but for a good friend. I am very content with my keyboard. For the amount of gigs I do a year I need to really fine tune, and streamline, my equipment and sometimes it means changing constantly to achieve this. Seeing, listening and learning about new products in my travels through music land will sometimes creat a mix and match atmosphere, but in the end you will hopefully be happy. We pro musicians are a weird bunch and very criticle of ourselves. But I would'nt give up playing music for a living and doing nightly performances for anything.
Who knows what the fiture brings musicaly?
Soooooo Dave, when are you getting the new Korg PA80 keyboard? :>)
see ya l8tr I'm off to Mars Music Store :>)
Donny NJ
[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 02-07-2001).]