Ok! Lets fire it up.

After reading recent discussions, I thought it is my time to give my 2 cents worth.

As you know I am a member since 1999 and know you guys for a very long time.
Some of you even in person.
That is why I'm starting a new threat.

I think with all the discussions lately we have ALL forgotten some major points in why some people by one brand over another, which is style of music you play, midi vs styles, features you need, which instruments you have played before and need in a keyboard etc....
Lets start with Fran since he took some heat recently.

If you know him, you know that he uses a lot of SMFs in his performances plus you would know what kind of music he plays.
That beeing said you would know that the G-1000(Roland) is the best choice for him. End of discussion.
We all know that Roland is one of the best KB's for SMF playback.
In his hands the G-1000 sounds great.

Next would be Scott: He plays mostly Jazz with rootless chords, which are a MUST in a KB, and uses just styles.
He is trained in Classical/Jazz Piano style.
Therefore after doing his homework the T2 is the best for him. End of story.
In his hands the T2 sounds great.
Just 2 examples.
I was traind in Guitar first and I never liked ANY Guitars in a KB until the T2 came around.
Saxes and Horns are important to me too.
I never had a B3 and don't know what it supposed to sound like.
So not so important to me.

I was always somewhat happy with the organs in my KB.
Some of you have played Sax or Bass before, which will influence your music.
I play only styles even though I have some killer Midis made for the Tyros and the T2 specifically by Yamaha.
I play Rock, Pop, Disco/Dance.
The styles need to be generic for me so they can fit a large number of songs.
Some of you are playing Dixie, Swing and BigBand mostly like PaulC.
That will influence the kind of KB he would by.
Being an old Ketron guy, the Ketron sounded great in his hands(when he owned one

Again depending on the TYPE of music you play, what instrument you have played before and what instruments you prefer in a kb will greatly influence your choice and what you are looking for in a KB.
Thank God that there is more than one Company out there to fit our needs.

Isn't this what this forum is all about?
At least it used to be when I joined.
How can you say that a KB is crap when you don't know the background of the person and his KB you are attacking and his style of playing?
Just my 2 cents.
