Registered: 06/10/00
Posts: 624
Loc: Allentown, PA, USA
My Tyros speakers were delivered yesterday. They sound good to me in my bedroom. And that's where it stays most of the time. So, for now, I'm a happy camper.
Registered: 01/20/01
Posts: 1925
Loc: Lincolnshire UK
Its not the tyros speakers are bad....its the fact that the Tyros is capable of far better performance than those speaker are capable of providing. Get a pair of delicated self-powered professional speakers and you will realize the difference. My YST-MS50 Speakers from my 9000Pro have been donated to the bedroom TV, which is what they are great at.
I have a pair of Genelec 1029A speakers connected to my Tyros and they sound much better compared to the MS50, but in the other hand they are more expensive.
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
I concur Micco that the Tyros speakers (MS01s) don't compare in sound to studio monitors like the Genelec 1029A's, which I also run them thru at home , but imho, The Tyros MS01's sound a lot better than any 'built into the kb' speakers. I primarily utilize the Ty speakers solely for on stage personal monitoring during performance. - Scott
Registered: 12/16/99
Posts: 100
Loc: Tucson, AZ USA
You’re telling me my speakers are no good?
Seeing the many comments on speakers prompts me to post an opinion that offers another perspective on the subject. The simple truth is there is no perfect set of speakers. The reason for this is there are to many variables in their use.
The first and most important is the human ear; it being a non-linear device no speaker will sound the same to any two listeners. Luckily for us most of the people we play for, whether it’s for our own pleasure, or the pleasure of hundreds, don’t listen to see how good our speakers are, they listen to our music.
Another variable is the setting. Sounds differ depending on the acoustics of the space we’re playing in. I’d venture a guess that not many of us are performing in a full-blown concert hall. Most of us that play for others have to compete with talking, dancing, or other background noises. This fact alone makes the kind of speakers we’re using irrelevant.
Speaker output is another variable. Much is said about how many Watts our speaker can handle. Reality is not how much sound our speakers can handle but how much our listeners can handle. Everyone that’s ever played where there’s a large number of people and lots of noise have experienced complaints from those closest to the speakers that “the music is to loud” while those in the back of the room are complaining “we can’t hear the music”.
The list of variable could go on and on. The point of this dissertation is – IF YOU ARE HAPPY WITH YOUR SPEAKERS – DON’T LET THE “EXPERTS” MAKE YOU UNHAPPY WITH THEM. Remember, if “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” so is “sound in the ear of the listener”.
To learn more about this here’s a couple of links to people that are real experts on the subject
Scottyee, you are right. They don´t compare with Genelecs. Still I think that the sound system of the PSR9000 is better than the Tyros MS01´s. The same thing with the internal sound system of KN6000 which I think is fantastic. I haven´t heard the KN7000 yet. I don´t know why, but my dealer stopped to have more state of the art keyboards for demostration. Now he has only Tyros and PA80. At old times he had X1, VA-7, PSR9000 and KN6000 all at the same time, but now he has less top keyboards. Maybe they don´t sell very well at the moment.
Registered: 06/10/00
Posts: 624
Loc: Allentown, PA, USA
The Tyros MS01 speakers are fine for just doodling around at home in a small room. When I want to kick it up a notch, I run my Ty thru my KN7000 and my MS01's (which has the best built-in sound system of ANY keyboard on the market right now). At that point, my neighbor below me will call and tell me to turn the volume down! Like other things, LOCATION and APPLICATION dictate the need. And that's different for each person.
Registered: 06/10/00
Posts: 624
Loc: Allentown, PA, USA
P.S. Guys please note that I have the TYROS-specific speakers (MS01) - not the MS50's. Sorry if I mislead you into thinking I purchased some other model.