Hi everybody! This is an excellent and creative idea - a Christmas wish list!

Hopefully, more people join in and give their ideas to General Music. First of all, I think it is just amazing that General Music is listening to us, it shows that they are devoted to musical artists and care about their opinions! Thanks a lot General Music, we really appreciate the time you take out to listen to us!
Well, my Christmas wish list is long. By the way, it is okay if you cannot include them into the GENESYS, but please keep them in mind for future keyboards! Well, here is my whish list:
1) A CD burner (or CDRW Drive) included internally would be the best feature to include in the GENESYS! That way, a person could easily use the features of the keyboards OS and record directly to a CD using the internal CD burner. Of course, you would have to include some type of onboard feature that allows you to drag-and-drop your music into the CD burner directory from the hard drive for quick and easy recording. This feature is the most important, because people who do not have the money for an entire computer would not have to rely on a computer's software for burning to CD, but instead use an all-in-one portable workstation keyboard like the GENESYS to record their compositions! I would be so excited if there was a CD burner included...it would make recording music to CD easier, faster, and more reliable instead of the lengthy methods used by computer software. Also, another reason why a CDRW drive is so important is because a CDRW drive can accept two Compact Disc formats: CDRW (Read and Write) and CDR (Read). This way, a person could choose to record to CDRW (Read and Write) so they can STORE their music and record over it multiple times. CDRW's are usually used only for storage reasons and CD Players do not accept CDRW's since they can be rewritten or recorded over again. However, a CDR (Read) can only have music recorded to it once, and therefore can never be recorded over again to protect the music on the CD. With this, CD players and other music hardware only accept CDR discs because they READ the music on the disc, recognize it, and then play it. CDRW's are not accepted by CD players because they can be rewritten.
2) The GENESYS should have real-time sliders like that of the Equinox. Sliders should include Attack, Decay, Release, Cut Off, Resonance, LFO Depth, LFO Rate, etc. This way, artists of all types of music backgrounds would find interest in the GENESYS, whether it be a person who likes to make custom sounds with a synthesizer, or a person who wants to simply compose songs. But when necessary, composers need these sliders to edit specific parts of their composition - that is why these sliders are so important.
3) There should be an easy way to layer audio samples on top of midi sounds. For instance, if I want to layer my audio sample on top of an MIDI sound, than there should be a mixing-console or some type of feature onboard the GENESYS that allows easy layering of multiple sounds, whether it be an audio or an MIDI file!
4) There should also be a feature where when you play a sound on the keyboard, the volume of the sound pans from the left speaker to the right. This way, a sound, when played on the keyboard, would travel from the left speaker to the right, giving a 'surround sound' experience to the listener!
5) There should be a feature where the user can create a custom ryhthm of their own, then save it to the hard drive, and then the ability to loop it in their composition. There should also be a certain way to loop a certain custom sound or ryhthm in the background with the assignment of a certain key on the keyboard, whether it be an actual key or button on the interface. For instance, if a player wants a custom ryhthm to shortly loop in the background of their song, than all they would have to do is assign their custom ryhthm to the specified key (or button) and tell it to 'loop until release of key' or 'loop until the [assigned] button is pressed by user'.
Well, there is my wish list for General Music!

I think this is a brilliant idea, feel free to include your wish list to General Music, and like Mike H said, lets keep this wish list alive! Thanks for taking out the time to read my wish list, hopefully I gave some good ideas and I
hope that General Music considers not only mine, but others as well!
Thanks a lot,