In this topic i want you to learn some practical tips of keyboardtechnique.
What's the different of keyboardplayers?...
"Imagination"... Here are some example's of playing keyboard in a other way, that's make playing and listening different of other players. Some musicians don't believe it's possible to play with two hands only !!!
first, when i talk about "left section" it is only the accompagment and lower-voices i program on the keyboard. The right section is the "solo" section (sometimes with layer voicing)
The first example is a short demo of "the girl from ipanema"(jobim): I start here with no use of a intro but play my intro live on the left section of the keyboard(lower is a choirvoice: uuhh type). Between the accent's playing on the left section (both hands) i go with the right hand to the right section and play the "tenorsax". In this song i go several time's with my right hand to the left sections to give attack's with the voicing i played on my left hand. After the first thema i play other voices(only on the left site of the keyboard with left and right hand playing) sometime's i go back with r-hand to right section.
second example is "spanish eyes" simply on two chords(also lower sound is choirvoice) but i play the tensions of the chord like 6th and M7. And on the the second chord i play the 9th also in the left section. That's make the arrangement different, You don't play the root chords now !!! Also no use in this song of intro's and endings of the factory.
Thirt example is "laura" (david Raksin. Here i use another technique like the first voice on the right section is "oboe" with a carpet of strings on the background (= 2-voice) but the second voice is in harmony-mode, i change the voice to a programed brass in the second part( also harmony)
fourth example is "moonlight serenade". Here i play on the right the lead clarinet and 2-voice sax (in harmony-mode) Like the real "miller sound". On the left-section i set lower1 to slide trombone and lower2 to muted trumpet. I give some attack's with the left-section while playing the "millersound" on the right section.
Fifth example is "masquerade"(carpenters) Here i make my own intro also like the other demo's and take on the lowers rhodes and string-ensemble playing the chords: minor,m+5, m6,m7 and minor M7. On the right section i use the flute unisono with vibes.
Sixt example is "perfidia" Here i use more action in the right section, i play most of the time the lead and below the sixt, i use sometimes three and four-note voicings on the right section to have more power on the right-section. The ending of this i take the factory-ending but play live chords and notes while the ending is playing.
1. when playing the keyboard use all the imagination you have: when you not play with you right hand make fill's on the left section together with the left hand.
2.play much reharmonisation on chords use tensions like 7th, 6th, 9th,etc....
3.Use and listen to all voice's of the keyboard (also voice you don't like can be usable for some song's e.g. oboe on laura)
4.choose good lower voicings for good mixing balance with right section playing.
5.combination like "miller sound"(clarinet and saxes) are good voice's to play.
(i also use sometimes the "shearing-voice"= piano in blockvoice and vibe on top(lead) doubling with guitar one octave lower).
6.Playing over endings of keyboards give's that ending another life.
I hope i give you good information about playing keyboard in another way.
Greetings Notlos.
Short examples of this demo's are on:
http://www.greatcanada.com acces to this site only for members/juniormembers of this site.(password only by email on dirk.baert1@pandora.be )