I just read a review of what sounds like a wonderful new speaker technology from Yamaha (bless 'em). The review of the YSP-1here:
http://www.audioholics.com/productreviews/loudspeakers/YamahaYSP-1DigitalSoundProj ector1.php

I don't know how applicable it will be to our keyboards - but it looks very promising. It weighs in at 9kg/20lbs and is the width of a 32" LCD screen - which sounds about right for the stand of a keyboard.

The new versions - YSP-800 and YSP-1000 just picked up European audio awards...

I'm going to listen to a YSP-800 tomorrow (for under the TV) - If I buy one (€800/$900) I'll try strapping it to my PSR3000 and let you know how it sounds.

Jerry Norbury

[This message has been edited by jeremy_norbury (edited 11-18-2005).]
Jerry Norbury