I pulled the "for sale sign" for my 2k off the bbs today. I have the Motif packed away and ready to be shipped, and the ES has not yet arrived at my favorite music store.. so I've turned my attention and time more toward the 2k.
You know what? I still don't like the key feel, but this little board does so many things that I do like .. I'm keeping it.
I played around with the mic settings and now I like using the harmonizer and Mic input better on this than on the PA80.
I just love the vintage open guitar patch when I combine it with the Vintage Amp patch and assigned the amp sim effect to the vintage amp sound and light distortion to the vintage open sound... real good stuff. I can almost hear and feel those tubes ....
Great job on these samples, and I like this combi about as much as I like the PA80's clean strat sound ( actually I mixed the single coil and new strat sounds.. and it's always been my favorite guitar emulation of any board or sample I've ever had ).
The drums will pass for light work, and I'll have the Mo ES and PA80 and my soft synth / sampled kits when I want to get them a little "nastier". I was able to play around in XG edit a bit and brighten up the bass patches a little ( and they really need tuning for my tastes ).. and here's the big surprise.. the edits done in XG works ( XG edit ) appear to be recalled in stored user voices. I could have swore this was not possible.. or at least it didn't work right on my first 2000.
Ok.. this still isn't access to raw samples and detailed editing like the PA80- or Motif, but to me what I can do with it makes a world of difference.. I only wish the AN150 software editor and the Motif w/ plug in AN150 worked like this...
I'm finally really convinced.. bad key feel and all.. the 2k is a keeper. I feel no need to upgrade to the 2100 at this popint.. Maybe when Yamaha releases a "2200" or "2300" ( you get the idea ), I'll find it worth the extra money to sell and upgrade. If I were buyong new of course I'd go with the 2100.. but.. I'm pretty happy now with the 2k as it is...