#156196 - 01/20/05 06:51 AM
Re: Ikarus X1
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
No doubt the Abacus and Ikarus are great boards, but it's pretty scarey to me when a boards OS is Windows. Does that mean the board is subject to all the same bugs as the standard Windows program? Do you get freeze ups, and that dreadful "fatal blue screen"? Waiting for it to power up wouldn't be a problem for me, but with a hicup in power and the board has to completely reboot, that makes me nervous. With boards that don't have Windows, typically you're settings go back to where you were last at start up, and it doesn't take long either.
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#156201 - 02/01/05 12:26 PM
Re: Ikarus X1
Registered: 02/01/05
Posts: 220
Originally posted by cosel: Hi! I am playing the Wersi Abacus for the last three years and I will update it to the latest OAS version 6.0 in the next two months.As far as I know the Icarus has essentially the same features like my Abacus -except one Microphone input- but on the other hand it comes in a much lighter/smaller cabinet and features a 72-keyboard instead of the 61 of the Abacus. The sound and the facilities- mainly due to the built in Windows PC- of these instruments together with the proved upgradeabilty ,puts them above the rest IMHO. Apart from the OAS Stereo samples I am using VST instruments live from within my keyboard! And NO, there are no problems with WIndows exept if you really want to create one! The combination of the big touch screen,push buttons and 32 real time faders makes real-time operation very easy and fast. If have any specific questions I would be happy to answer. Hello Cosel; I see that you have the Abacus keyboard. I would be interested in your experience with your Abacus, both the Pros & Cons. The Mp3 Demos from Wersi's website give one an idea of the potential of sounds and styles. But of course the compressed Mp3s are not the best format to determine sound quality. Can you give me an indication of how their other sounds and styles compare on your keyboard [ Long wave SS & Long wave GM, Oas-X1, OX-7, wersi sound libraries, others ]. I am most interested in the quality and realism of the sounds (solo instruments /accompaniments ( ex do they have that" Live band/performance feel"? Do any voices & accompaniments stand out as spectacular? How do both the guitar voices and guitar accompaniments sound ( ex guitar struming,rhythym guitar picking, slides, finger scraps etc..) How do they compare to Tyros mega voice guitars & Pa1x guitar accompaniments? If you are not familiar with these, they are failrly realistic sounding. I don't know if you are using the Oas 6.0 but if you are, I am curious as to how the Real drums sound now that there is tempo change capabilities. And what does Wersi mean by tempo adjustments "within some limits"? How do you rate the ergonomics of the keyboard ( ie Ease of use for both live & programing capabilities -sequencing/creating new styles ) Thank you for your input Regards; SCP
#156202 - 02/03/05 10:53 AM
Re: Ikarus X1
Registered: 01/30/02
Posts: 47
Loc: cyprus
Hello SCP, as I said in my earlier posts, I am still using the original Version 3.30 released on 27.09.01!! I have not upgraded to OAS6 yet due to lack of time but I will probably do it some time in the next month. So I can comment on the sounds I already have installed and from these the best of course are the Long Waves i.e. the stereo samples from the hard disk.Most of them are very natural sounding with a lot of detail and velocity crossfades (multisamples).Among the best are IMHO the Grand Piano, Accoustic quitar,and most of the Brass & Reeds, including also lots of accodions.Choirs and Human voices are excellent.There are also many full pad sounds.Its difficult to find a 'not good' long wave sound. Unfortunatelly these sounds cannot be used in the styles/sequences in versions prior to 4.0 so I cannot tell you how they sound in that context.I can tell you that using layering I have very real sounding Big Bands,jazz trios,etc.. The organ sounds come from the built-in OX7 'Organ Expander' that uses a DSP chip to (re)create mainly the sounds of older Wersi models and those of the B3.I feel that the (NI) B4 is much more close to the original.Drawbars can be used in realtime or saved as presets.For GM sounds in this version,an extra sound card was used with about 600 sounds available but these do not come any close to the LWSS.This card is not used anymore after v4.0 so there is no need to say anything else about it.Other sound options are loading AKAI samples ,using soft synths or extrnal MIDI devices.There is no sampler available (yet?). The ergonomics of Abacus are very good:big touch screen in the center,lots of big user porgrammable buttons for selecting sounds on one side -for styles/sequences on the other and big drawbar-like volume sliders. A style/seq can be mixed live ,while you play and saved without interrupting you playing.To edit notes or to create style/seq from scratch you have to used either the (factory preinstalled) Cubasis (or any other windows software.I also use EMC Styleworks for initial conversion of styles. Most of the programming is done using Touch Screen and the jog wheel while the the othjer controllers are mainly used for live playing. I hope I will have my instrument updated soon to answear also your OAS6 specific questions.
#156203 - 02/03/05 12:07 PM
Re: Ikarus X1
Registered: 02/01/05
Posts: 220
Thank-you for replying Cosel;
Have you done much conversion with your EMC StyleWorks software? ( i.e. converting Tyros/psr, Korg Pa80/pa1x, Roland ( g-1000/VA series styles to Wersi) Any conversion problems? Do you need to tweak the converted styles to make them sound right/correct??
I noticed above you were using some VSTi instruments software. Do you or anyone else know of any very good live realistic sounding software modules ( for solos instruments--i.e. saxphone, guitars ( strat/telocaster/ gibson s-57 etc..), clarinets, strings, trumpets, brass, violins,accordians etc.. If so please state the name and/or website.
If I can confirm what you said above, since both the OX-7 & NI B4 are options when purchasing the Ikarus, would you say to just purchase the B4 modules which will give one everyhting that the OX-7 has???
Further I noticed that you made some updates/upgraded you CPU/HD etc.. Does Wesri use propriatary hardware, or can one install any companies Hardware ( i.e. hard drives/ RAM , processors etc..) The reason I ask is, would it be cheaper to upgrade ones self or have buy the upgrades from Wersi. ( i.e. they offer an upgrade from 40Gb to 80Gb HD and from 512 to 1.5Gb Ram)
I look forward to hearing your comments on the new OAS ver 6.0 upgrade. Please keep me informed.
Thanks for the help Regards; SCP