Originally posted by DanO1:
If your only using a keyboard to play over top of a sequence , than polyphony wouldn't be an issue . Polyphony is only an issue if of your playing the sequence or arrangement/style and from one source .
In this case the laptop is a seperate unit, the musicians is just filling in by playing/jammin along with the keyboard . Right ?
Dan O'
Well, that depends again on if your playing the Sequence from the Laptop by way of Midi Out from the Laptop to the Midi In of the Keyboard or just playing the Midi strictly on the Laptop (maybe through external speakers too, etc.) and playing on top with the Keyboard which would be a separate entity. You would be using separate Polyphony, ie., Laptop Polyphony (through Sound Card) and Keyboard Polyphony (playing the Keys yourself). Now if you ran the Laptop Midi Sequence into the Keyboard by way of a Midi Connection or even a Floppy Drive, etc., and you also played on top while the Midi was playing through your Keyboard you would not only be using the Polyphony that the Midi is using but also what your Key playing is using. Either way Polyphony is always an issue but of course if the Midi is playing on a separate Device (not the Keyboard) and you play the Keys you are only using the Polyphony of the Keyboard of your Key playing which is obvious.
If the Midi is playing on a Computer through your Sound Card it too is using Polyphony and if your Sound Card only supports 32 note Polyphony you will most likely experience note drop off on the Computer at some point depending on the Midi Sequence. That said; most of todays Laptop/PC Sound Cards support way more than 32 note Polyphony. For instance; the SB Live! Sound Card supports "512" note Polyphony so it would be next to impossible to run into note drop off problems with an SB Live! Sound Card while playing a Midi on your Laptop/PC. Most Arrangers today only support 64 note Polyphony or less so if the Midi Sequence is played on the Keyboard and you play on top of it using the Keys there would be a MUCH greater chance of you running into Polyphony note drop off depending again of course on the Midi being played and also how many Keys you press at one time while playing on top of it.
Best regards,