Originally posted by Gary Stinson:
Is there a way to edit Genesys styles with a software program like Cakewalk or Cubas?. With my PSR 9000 I can change the file extention, open the style, edit, change ext. back, load it in 9000 and party on.
Sorry for taking so long to answer your question. Yes it is certainly possible to edit Genesys styles via an external PC based sequencer although it works a bit differently than on your PSR9000.
Essentially you would record an easy song on the Genesys, playing through each phrase (intro X4, variation X4, fill X4and ending X4) and then save that song to a floppy or burn it to a CD using the internal CD burner. Then load that song into your sequencer program and edit to your liking. Then enter the Style Recorder on the Genesys, select the phrase you would like to re-install, place all tracks in record mode simultaneously and play the phrase into the Genesys. Do this for each phrase.
There is an advantage to the way this works on the Genesys because if you only want to edit one or just a few of the phrases within a style, you don’t have to weed through the entire MIDI file to find the phrases you want to edit since you only record the phrase(s) you want to edit.
BTW, do you currently own a Genesys? Or are you considering purchasing one? If you have additional questions about the Genesys or any of our products, please feel free to contact me via the e-mail in my profile.
If you haven’t done so already, you may also want to check out the on-line video demos for the Genesys by clicking
HERE . I did these videos using the Genesys Ensemble which is in a home style cabinet, but the portable Genesys Pro and Genesys XP have the exact same functionality as the Ensemble.
Best Regards,
Wm. David McMahan
Nat'l Product and Support Manager
Generalmusic USA
GEM Community Forums