I reviewed it a couple of weeks ago.
Here is that review.
I took the Yamaha PAS system out for trial. It does sound truly amazing. I did return it for two reasons. At the small supper club where I tried it, I had it wide open, as loud as it would go, and it was loud enough. It would not have carried anything larger. The Logitech 2200 is louder.
The other drawback was that the "reverb" was almost totally unusable. It seemed to be a delay, rather than reverb, and just seemed to muddy the sound instead of enhancing it.
I ran my mic through the SD1 and used the effects from there, but I did hook up a mic and try the reverb. Maybe I overlooked something, but I don't think so.
One other small drawback was that it isn't all that easy to reattach the back panels than hold the mixer and cords, particularly in low light. You have to get the little screws in just the right position and then tighten them with a coin. If they don't tighten properly the mixer could fall out during transportation.
It is a great concept, but I personally think they fell a little short.
George, maybe you can test the system in these areas and see if I missed something.
[This message has been edited by DonM (edited 06-02-2005).]