OK Guys and Gal's
Here is my problem....
When I record my songs and ditties I have always monitored with headphones, basically because I am lazy and have never bothered to connect speakers to my pc.
I have never been happy with my vocal ability as many of you will know but have always considered it just about passable to demonstrate a song I have written or recorded.
That is until recently when I hooked up my Yamaha YST MS50 's that came with the 9000pro to the pc. There are two inputs so both the pro and pc can be connected at the same time.
I listened to most of the stuff I have recorded and to my absolute horror they sound AWFUL through the speakers.
Why is there such a difference? The headhones are nothing special...just a £30 technics stereo set. When heard through them my recordings sound gentle and the vocals are quite warm and like I say just about passable. Through the speakers the whole recording sounds hard and lifeless and the vocals are just chronic.
For a start I am really embarrased that anyone has heard such a cacophony when I thought they were hearing what I was hearing.
Any help would be appreciated both on how to monitor what I am recording and on recording vocals so as to get the best out of what limited ability I have.
As an aside, since being a child, I have watched the performances of Judy, Liza, Shirley Bassey, Freddy Mercury, Frank, Sammy Davis Jnr, Harry connick Jnr, Ella and many many more and have always been enthralled by the emotion and sheer energy they radiate when on stage. I have ALWAYS longed to be able to do just a little of what they do. When I sit down to play I can feel it inside and it is like I might burst.
It is SO FRUSTRATING that somewhere between this feeling and the delivery something goes terribly wrong! If sometimes I appear gushing over some of your performances then now you know why. I am so full of admiration for those of you with the talent to make performing seem so effortless (especially as I know that it is not effortless at all).
Many of you here inspire me to keep plodding on when ordinarily I would think ..what's the use. I listen to your MP3's and then think 'C'mon Tony boy that has got to be worth trying for'.
Now I have rambled on and said many things I diddn't intend to say and not said things I did intend to!

Never mind it will soon be Christmas!
Very best wishes to you all
Tony W