I've had my X1 for almost two years. I bought it from DonM. There are tons of converted styles out on the web for the X1. The best resource is this forum and Fran Carango. Fran is the greatest. I would also join the Solton Club. It's free.
How do the converted styles work? Some work great, some are terrible. Some need a little tweeking. Most Solton styles are as good if not better than the rest. I really like the converted big band styles from Roland. IMHO these are far better than the stock Solton BB styles.
Another nice feature is you can mix and match style parts easily. You can copy the drums from variation 1 from one style to a variation on another style. You can copy any part from one style to another. If you like a downloaded style but not intro 1 you find an intro you like and copy it to intro 1. Bam your style now has an intro you do like.
Go to and listen to my version of "The Lady is a Tramp". That style/into combination is cut and paste.
Good luck!