I don't know why the 'Brite Piano' sometimes come up (Main part?) when you first boot up.
My 2000 always starts up with the following:
Song: New Song (empty)
Style: HeartBeat
Intro: 4bar2
Ending: 4bar
Main: Grand Piano
Layer: Strings
Left: Galaxy EP
Multi Pad: Tom Flam
Registration Bank: New Bank (empty)
Style Control Button Section:
Main A selected (red)
If the OTS link button is turned ON right before you shut down the KB, then the ACMP, Sync Start, and OTS Link button will be activitated (red) the next time you boot up.
If the OTS link button is OFF before you shut down the KB, then the ACMP, Sync Start, and OTS Link button will be turned off the next time you boot up.
Hope this helps. Hope you're enjoying your new PSR2000 in spite of all the latest developments (rom chip instead of flash & style sharing restrictions) being discussed on the forum. In spite of these obvious disappointments
, I'm still enjoying the KB a lot. - Scott