Jammer will work when you enable all of the midi devices.. Simply place the one that you are going to use primarily at the top of the list. Then you can assign the others by track if you desire. Example.. I drive my Motif and PA80 plus soft synths with it.. My Motif is the primary board so I keep the Midi port it's assigned to ( midiman audiophile in my case ) at the top of the list. Then I select the indiviadual tracks I want to use with my PA80 ( which is connected via my SB live card ) or my soft synths.
Jammer 5 is am completely different interface but works along the same lines. It is better when you want to make your own patterns from scratch because you can now import midi files to help make up style pieces. I find vers 4 to be an easier interface to work with, but in order to make user patterns that are note specific, I have to use # * + or letters / numbers that represent indiviadual notes, and you canot specify specific lengths or other midi data in much detail in vers 4.