Hi, I was just wondering if there was some official news about the GENESIS, like images of the keyboard or specifications.
From what I've heard, the GENESIS sounds awesome!

I really like the feature of a CD Burner and a 3.5 gigabyte harddrive - I have never heard of a keyboard like this one! Also, I have heard that the sound is astonishing - and that is the most important thing of all! There were many other features also on the GENESIS and I am very impressed with what I have heard about General Music - GOOD JOB!

But, I really want to see what it looks like!

When General Music finds the time, can we hear some demo songs of specific instruments like strings, piano, electric gutiar, drums like tympani, and other voices like tubular bells? I think that is the most important thing with GEM advertising: making sure their keyboard is heard over the internet by including audio demos and images. That will catch people's attention and encourage them to buy the keyboard.
Also, what is the official price of the GENESIS keyboard? I've heard that it is around $4,000 and that is just outrageous!

I think it should be around $2,000 - $2,500. You can buy 4 decent computers with $4,000 - please, lower this price for those who do not have that money, or many will reconsider buying other keyboards like those made by Yamaha.

If anyone could find the time to let us know about this awesome keyboard please let me know! I really want to see some pictures of this keyboard and hear what it sounds like...thanks for taking the time out to read this! See you around on the forum and have a nice day,