Dreamer, I can be unbiased..really..I stand firm when I find what works for me[G1000]..There have been many Roland keyboards that I have passed on, even though they had some great features, they didn't meet my requirements..
One of the keyboards I initially sold after acouple of months was the original VA-7..down the road I picked up a version2 VA-7,and I really got to like it[I used it for a year,and just recently sold it to make room for a new model]..
DisCover 5 is another example,I liked some features but did not like the sounds overall[they seemed thinner than the G1000],and the smart media card was inconsistant[problems]..so I passed..
The VR760 is a great board..it lacked some midi control..If it was able to upload more drum patterns,it would be a keeper....I may still get another one..
The G70 on paper seems like it has most of what I am looking for in a keyboard...If there are things I do not like[getting around,file reads and saving,sounds etc.]I will voice my opinions..One of the things I was hoping for is MP3 reading capabilities, not available on the G70..
This will cause me to look at a few others, The Korg PA1Pro may still be a canidate, though it didn't light my fire the first time[and second time] I spent with it..
The Ketron Midijay may be something I could use[will have to try it out],as well as the Genesys module..The last 3 models above all have capability to play audio files[MP3]..
If the G70 is a bomb,I will voice my discontentment...If turns out to be great, I will say so without bias..