#161369 - 10/12/03 03:00 PM
Re: Calling Idatrod
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Registered: 06/09/02
Posts: 3163
Loc: Pensacola, Florida, USA
Hi Mike No, mine hasn't arrived yet. These companies are always taking on new lines and discontinueing others. A big reason for that is who cut them the best deal. The thing with the KKP9 is it fits the Tyros well and for $60 I don't think a guy can go wrong. I have the KKP7 and its perfect for the PSR2000. As far as support, I don't think there is going to be anything that's going to need company support..there is no owners manual on how to operate it and they removed all the electical components in the case. haha. Otherwise if you want a good hard case, check this out. You may have missed it when I posted this before. This is for an ATA case made of composite wood cut to fit the Tyros like a glove (or any other keyboard for that matter). This wood is 30% lighter and twice as strong. The Tyros case would weigh 17.7 lbs . Add 2.2 lbs if you want wheels. Considering the KKP9 weighs 17 lbs and the Yamaha Tyros softcase (YBTYROS?) weighs 18 lbs plus is way too long, about 54 inches. I decided to get the KKP9 because I know it fits and I know how well I like the KKP7 and for $60....'nuff said. I talked with Chuck at DC Case and Cabinet the other day. I think from my research anybody looking for a decent case for their Tyros or any other keyboard for that matter, that doesn't weigh a ton, that isn't oversized or overpriced will hit the jackpot here. They have a carpet covered case with wheels and the normal included hardware for about $130 including shipping and insurance. This is a hard case and it weight about 25-28 lbs. It has 1/4" foam rubber and comes with a warranty. They also have ATA cases available. These weigh around 23 lbs for a Tyros. Getting better in the weight department here. I said I really was interested in a case under 20 lbs. He said it could be done with composite board which is two times stronger that the other. It also weighs 30% less. So here we have an ATA case cut to fit the Tyros that will weigh, are you ready? 17.75 lbs!! If you want wheels, add 2.2 lbs. So, here it is, under 20 lbs. It has one inch foam. You can get two inch foam, but he says its overkill. How big will be the outside dimensions? Add two inches on all sides. From what I've seen this will be the smallest, lightest and least expensive top of the line case available. Chuck estimates the case will cost the customer between $169-$189.The composite board comes in black, which means no extra weight adding a covering. He said he was considering getting some composite board, but was concerned about the cost to the customer! He said his aim was to build a good case that the average working person could afford! Isn't this a switch? After I asked a bunch of questions about this lightweight wood he said he would find out exactly how much it would cost. He called me back in about 45 minutes with all the vital statistics and said he bought out the entire warehouse of this material! He has already made cases for the Tyros and about everything else. Chuck and the girl who I talked to were friendly, courteous and really know their stuff. I am not connected with this company in any way. I just think I found the best thing out there and wanted everybody that wants a good deal on a terrific case to be able to get one. http://www.dccase.com 1-800-714-2009 Best Scott Langholff [This message has been edited by Scott Langholff (edited 10-12-2003).]
#161370 - 10/12/03 08:57 PM
Re: Calling Idatrod
Registered: 07/23/02
Posts: 562
Loc: Oceanside, CA USA
Ha, Ha Scott LOL! Good one, ie., "no support - no owners manual or electrical parts inside the case, etc. I beg to differ! Yours and my Tyros is a $3,000 piece of electrical equipment!!! Ha! But I understand what you're saying Scott. Since it's not an ATA certified case they couldn't guarantee anything if the Keyboard was damaged somehow - (inside the boundaries of abuse of course)  You know, like some products like the "CLUB" you use for a vehicle to keep people from stealing it. They actually will pay you out of their pocket if for some reason your car gets stolen when using their product under certain conditions, etc. But since the KKP9 is a soft case a guarantee like that is out of the question I would imagine. Any way, when a product is discontinued from a company, it is highly probable that they would snub you if the Case develops a defect or other problem while under the normal 1 year Manufacturers Warranty. Out of sight out of mind I always say. If they no longer sell the product - "out of site" - they in all probability would be reluctant to service and repair it IMO - "out of mind" (they absolve themselves of responsibility because, "Hey, we no longer even sell that model anymore". Begone peasant!! Do I make sense? I've actually have experienced this type of response from Companies myself regarding this type of situation. So support is vital IMO. On a positive note; I called GC again tonight and they said my KKP9 is IN!!! When I called yesterday the guy said it hadn't come in yet but when I called today the Manager said it got in on the 8th!! I don't think GC's left hand know's what it's right hand is doing half the time if you ask me. But the good news is it's in. I will doubtless pick it up tomorrow if all goes as scheduled. I will post back a review of the Case soon. If I deem it unworthy of my Tyros I will return it and quite possibly give your fellas at GC Case and Cabinet a call Scott. Thanks for posting the link. Best regards, Mike PS: Scott Yee, - thanks for your input on the KKP9 Case. I agree with you about the retractable handle even though I haven't gotten my Case as I write this. A retractable handle like you said would make it much easier to transport and even in stowing it away until the next use. I will indeed give my thoughts about it after I've given it a good going over.  Best regards, Mike [This message has been edited by Idatrod (edited 10-12-2003).]
#161371 - 10/12/03 09:40 PM
Re: Calling Idatrod
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
hi Mike, I purchased (10 months ago) & recommend the Kaces Porter III, model #KKP9KB case for transporting the Tyros. I'd give it 4 stars. http://www.aceproducts.com/porter.html The KKP9KB's interior length & width dimensions closely match the Tyros . The kb case thickness is about 2" thicker than the kb, so I highly recommend purchasing a piece of 2" thick foam (inexpensive) from a local foam bed store, cut to the same dimensions as the case interior. This keeps the keyboard from moving around in the case as well as provides additional padded protection to the top of the kb (keys, buttons & screen). The Kaces Porter Kase is idea for daily gig transport as it's both lightweight yet provides adequately padded protection, though not ATA airline certificable. I think the Tyros & Kaces Porter a terrific lightweight combo. I also got mine at my local Guitar Center for $99. The only criticism I have about Kaces III cases is the handle. The older model Kaces Porter w/wheels case (which I use for my PSR2000) has a 'retractable' handle which makes the case a lot easier to maneuver because the handle (extends out from the end of the case about 6-8 inches) creating a more comfortable pulling angle, while the newer Kaces III model uses a plastic handle which pivots directly on the end of the case itself creating a far less comfortable pulling position. Other than that, the other areas of case construction (durability & stitching) seem improved over the previous model Kaces Porter cases. If only they would have retained the retractable handle, I'd given the Kaces III 5 stars. Mike, I look forward to hearing your thoughts regarding your Kaces Porter case after you get yours. - Scott 
#161372 - 10/13/03 07:32 PM
Re: Calling Idatrod
Registered: 07/23/02
Posts: 562
Loc: Oceanside, CA USA
I finally got my Aces Kaces Keyboard Case. > Say that really fast ten times -if you can! LOL Ha, Ha.  - Okay back to business. I picked up my KKP9KB-61 Keyboard case and when I got it home immediately unpacked it, opened it up, and then proceeded to disconnect all the cables, power cord, and Music Stand from my Tyros and place the Tyros inside the Case. First thing I noticed: It's a tight Fit!! Which is actually a good thing when you think about it. No Tyros sloshing around inside the Case because of to much space inside. Second thing I noticed: If you roll the case on Carpet the Case basically 'rubs' the Carpet near the wheels as you pull it along. > How often would you roll it on carpet though?  So that's no problem per say. Third thing: The handle IS a little awkward as Scott Yee pointed out when you try to wheel the Case. I thought from Scott's previous statement that the KKP9 HAD an extended Handle (like the old model had); but that the Handle DIDN'T 'retract'. I now know that isn't so. So stowing the Case is no problem either, ie., "no protruding Handle to worry about when storing the Case". Fourth thing I noticed: They really skimped on padding!!! They should taken a lesson from SKB's Soft Cases on how a good padded Case should be. Scott Yee was right when he said that you really 'need' a filler Pad to place on top of the Keyboard when placed inside the KKP9. Which is why I headed over to Home Depot and got a 'filler' pad. What I did was I bought a product at Home Depot called R-Tech InsulFoam. It is basically a 'Styrofoam' type Padding that is actually somewhat stiff yet it has the ability to 'give' a little when pressure is applied. I cut it up to the right dimensions proportionately by using a small hand 'hacksaw' with a fine blade. Cutting it was a piece of cake. I only had to make 2 cuts and I applied some Duct type Tape to the two cut edges to keep the cut edges from 'shedding' small amounts of the Styrofoam that I'm sure would have eventually happened over time. But to play it safe I applied the Duct type Tape to 'all' 4 edges. The taped sticks really well and is able to withstand temperatures of up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit without losing its ability to stick to a substance. The Styrofoam type material on the pad is thoroughly tested Safe, Non-Corrosive, Non-Toxic, Contains NO CFC, HCFC, or Formaldehyde. In other words; it's enviromentally safe.  But like most building materials it is 'combustible'. But so is the KKP9 for that matter.  The padding I got was 1 7/16" thick and it weighs no more than 3 ounces total -(tape and all). And the price?? I paid a grand total of $3.46 for it. It fits like a glove on top of the Tyros and I'm positive it will provide adequate 'extra' protection for it. Conclusion?? It is soooooooo much lighter than that Road Ready Case I took back. The total weight with the Tyros inside is roughly 44 lbs. With the Road Ready Case I was looking at about 68 lbs. I have a separate carrying case for my Cables, Foot Pedals, Sheet Music, etc., so the KKP9 with the Tyros inside will be that much lighter. It's definitely a keeper IMO. Only time will tell how it holds up down the road though. Best regards, Mike
#161373 - 10/19/03 08:06 PM
Re: Calling Idatrod
Senior Member
Registered: 06/09/02
Posts: 3163
Loc: Pensacola, Florida, USA
Hi Mike, ScottY and all
OK, I got my Kaces Porter KKP9 a few days ago. You were both right about its nice fit as far as length and width. It is a little deep, but I don't think there's anything out there smaller. I don't know if I'm going to use extra padding yet or not. I'm going to take my time on that.
As far as the handle, its OK. It's really the little button that sticks up for the extra belt that gets in my way. Hmmmmm....let me think....Tyros...ScottY....Mike....., that's it, ...hacksaw. I knew there was a common link here someplace. lol. (Actually, I'd have to think about that for a while too).
I did notice because of the handle that when I walk my leg sometimes hits the case.
All in all, except for the few minor issues, I think it's a very good case. It even fits in my car, unlike the YBTyros bag which is I think 6" longer.
I went to Winn-Dixe the other night. They have a large scale. I took my Tyros with KKP9 there, and lo and behold, it weighed 47 1/2 lbs. A little heavier than we all thought. I do know, I would never want to go heavier than this.
I really wish they made the Tyros the same size as the PSR2000/2100. And I believe they could have. But, you know I think it was for appearance sake only. The aesthetic value.
From what I am aware of, I would recommend this case as the best choice for the Tyros as far as a soft case with wheels. Especially if one can get one from ebay at $59.98 like I did.
Best Scott Langholff
#161374 - 10/19/03 09:26 PM
Re: Calling Idatrod
Registered: 07/23/02
Posts: 562
Loc: Oceanside, CA USA
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Scott Langholff: [B]Hi Mike, ScottY and all OK, I got my Kaces Porter KKP9 a few days ago. You were both right about its nice fit as far as length and width. It is a little deep, but I don't think there's anything out there smaller. I don't know if I'm going to use extra padding yet or not. I'm going to take my time on that. >Great Scott!! (No pun intended)  I'm glad you got your KKP9 Scott and you find it to your satisfaction. You're right; it is very compact considering many of the others out there are a lot longer.< As far as the handle, its OK. It's really the little button that sticks up for the extra belt that gets in my way. Hmmmmm....let me think....Tyros...ScottY....Mike....., that's it, ...hacksaw. I knew there was a common link here someplace. lol. (Actually, I'd have to think about that for a while too). >I thought something similar Scott! I think maybe a good pair of heavy duty wire cutters may be a better choice than the Hacksaw though.  < I did notice because of the handle that when I walk my leg sometimes hits the case. >I guess we'll have to adjust the way we walk, now won't we.  < All in all, except for the few minor issues, I think it's a very good case. It even fits in my car, unlike the YBTyros bag which is I think 6" longer. >I won't be able to get it in my trunk but it will fit perfectly along my vehicles back seat.< I went to Winn-Dixe the other night. They have a large scale. I took my Tyros with KKP9 there, and lo and behold, it weighed 47 1/2 lbs. A little heavier than we all thought. I do know, I would never want to go heavier than this. > Pssttt! Scott; I think those heavy duty scales won't weigh any thing under 500 lbs. accurately.  If you've got a good home scale (doctor certified, etc.) I think you may find you get a different reading. Either that or for goodness sakes make sure your foot isn't on the scale when you weigh the Tyros at Winn-Dixe.  < I really wish they made the Tyros the same size as the PSR2000/2100. And I believe they could have. But, you know I think it was for appearance sake only. The aesthetic value. >That's debatable. I think part of it has to do with the more sophisticated Hardware (more Hardware too) - inside the Tyros that takes up more real estate. But I agree it didn't have to be [44 3/4"] long. They could of shortened it up some.< From what I am aware of, I would recommend this case as the best choice for the Tyros as far as a soft case with wheels. Especially if one can get one from ebay at $59.98 like I did. >I agree; it is an excellent soft case for the Tyros. You got the best deal around too Scott.< Best regards, Mike
#161378 - 10/20/03 08:22 AM
Re: Calling Idatrod
Registered: 07/23/02
Posts: 562
Loc: Oceanside, CA USA
Originally posted by Scottyee: ScottL: Oh no! I'm afraid you ended up getting a case from an early batch run of the new Kaces III KK9KB case. The first run of the new Kaces III cases included that terrible button (design flaw) but Ace Products subsequently acknowledged the problem, so on currently produced KK9KB cases, the lethal protruding button has now been replaced with a 'sewn on' type belt attachment piece instead.
I suggest either cutting off the button, or returning the case (like I did) and exchanging it for the new version case. Your hand will definitely thank you for it.
ScottSorry Scott Langholff, I thought your description on the handle area thing was the same as mine but I have the sewn on type belt attachment like Scott Yee describes. No wonder you got yours for 60 bucks!  Just kidding but it does make you wonder why the guy on e-Bay would be selling them for so cheap. Now we know why, huh.  He probably paid pennies on the dollar for them so he probably still made out like hogan's goat. Ahhh, the conveniences of buying from a trusted (guaranteed) source.  I suppose you didn't get a 30 day guarantee with it Scott? If you did I for one wouldn't hesitate to return it if it's something you'd rather not live with, ie., "the protruding button". Maybe that's the reason yours weighs more than mine with the Tyros inside too. The older ones were maybe slightly heavier? Sorry for rubbing it in but e-Bay is just not my idea of an overall good shopping experience if you ask me. Too many rip-offs, too many scams, too many no shows, too many antequated old stock mis-matched (missing parts) and other antedilluvian oddites. If I can't touch it, play it, compare it, opinionate it, and finally judge it with my own eyes I almost unequivocally won't buy it otherwise. But to each his own as the saying goes Scott. More power to you if you don't mind putting up with e-Bays IMO out and out atrocities and other forms of illegal activity. Although in your case it was not something illegal but something mis-construed. I guess it has to be where the buyer and seller have to communicate better to make sure the product your wanting is going to be (hopefully) the product you finally receive. Best regards, Mike
#161380 - 10/20/03 09:12 AM
Re: Calling Idatrod
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Hi ScottL: My feeling is that if you indeed paid only $59.98 for your Kaces Porter KK9KB, you got a very good deal, even with that annoying plastic button. I had compared the older Kaces Porter III (with protruding button) with the new one, which comes with a sewn on attachment piece, and except for that, BOTH cases are identical in weight, dimensions, and construction. The belt clip is intended for attaching an X keyboard stand to the case, but imho a totally useless feature. The older model Kaces Porter (with retractable sliding handle) case had a steel foot rest mounted at one end of the case to secure the keyboard stand, but the new cases DON'T include this. Without this, transporting an X stand to the belt alone is awkward and impractical. ScottL: I don't think it's worth bothering returning the case, especially with the great deal you got on it. I instead recommend you simply & easily remove (cut) the plastic button section off. Doing this will not compromise the case in any way. You can instead gloat over the good Ebay deal you scored as I paid $99. - Scott 
#161381 - 10/21/03 12:43 AM
Re: Calling Idatrod
Registered: 07/23/02
Posts: 562
Loc: Oceanside, CA USA
Cut that sucker off Scott.  But don't bring a libel suit against me if it doesn't turn out right!  PS: Scotty is just trying to make you feel good when he says your KKP9 (old style) Case weighs the same as the new style KKP9. Those 3 1/2 lbs. (lighter) sure do make a difference on my KKP9 (new style) Case.  LOL Just kidding. But I think I may have been on to something when I told you to make sure you keep your foot off the scale at Winn-Dixe when you weigh the Case with the Tyros in it. And also when I said the Scale at Winn-Dixe probably can't weigh anything less than 500 lbs. accurately anyway. You know; if you have a Veterinarian Hospital around your area you might check it out to see if it has a Scale. Those Scales are 'very' accurate when measuring things that are lighter, eg., a toy poodle, small cat, bird, small reptile, etc. When you go in, just say you'd like to use the scale to weigh something then after doing so, make an appointment for your dog??? to come in to get his shots, etc., (so they don't get suspicious). Then when you get home immediately cancel the appointment. Best regards, Mike
#161382 - 10/21/03 03:49 PM
Re: Calling Idatrod
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Registered: 06/09/02
Posts: 3163
Loc: Pensacola, Florida, USA
#161384 - 10/21/03 08:22 PM
Re: Calling Idatrod
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Registered: 06/09/02
Posts: 3163
Loc: Pensacola, Florida, USA