Hi to all,
I wish to all a very good new year...
To day I have a little time, so I decided to made a demo : an instrumental version and a vocal version . The vocal version is coming soon ...I'm searching after my voice

I made this demo to show the power of the RX Technology of the new Korg . I played this in real-time with Django Style and a tempo of 250 (it's the maximum...). I used a nylon guitar RX1 who gives a good velocity and if you make attention you can hear tne noise of the frets, the body and the harmonics of the guitar....I hope so

This song is a french song created by Ray Ventura (a French Band) in 1937, and the French singer Patrick Bruel made another version in 2002 and received for that a "music awards" in Monaco from the hands of George Benson .
Enjoy this song (if you want) and wait for the vocal version....

http://users.skynet.be/daddyjj/sounds.html PS : Just a little detail for whose who don't read French ..The title is "Qu'est ce qu'on attend pour être heureux" and can be translate so "What are we waiting to be happy" A good message for New Year

[This message has been edited by Daddy JJ (edited 01-02-2004).]