i started looking at set ups for touring and several of my friends who do live sound for big time industry events said i could cut down on bulky hardware and the problems they can cause from extensive touring by mixing songs down to ADAT or some other digital audio recording/playback devices for live gigs.
i was planning on booking a professional producer i know for mixdown through his SSL console; he said with one shockmount case including a stereo tube direct device (and a couple of other pieces of gear of course) i can hand the stage tech the XLR and we'd be good to go.
it seems right considering every time you add a new piece of gear into the equation it's just another link in the chain that needs to be managed.
i just wondered what some of the other members here are using for gigs because before consulting the producer i was looking at setups w/ a laptop, etc, etc.
so tell me what you use and what you think (or both) based on experience...