#164806 - 10/13/07 08:54 AM
Re: How Important is a Midi-to-Style converter feature on your arranger?
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Each time a new model is released, I always say,"How are they going to top this?"
And....they usually do.
I know, with Yamaha, it was Mega Voices, then it was SA voices, and goodness knows what's on the way with T3.
Instructional videos are, no doubt, an excellent idea, although there's no substitute for another person actually showing you EXACTLY the things you need to know.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#164807 - 10/13/07 02:09 PM
Re: How Important is a Midi-to-Style converter feature on your arranger?
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14366
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by ianmcnll: I like the Style Creator in my Yamaha, especially the Assembly section where you can import parts from one style into another... But this being something that few Yamaha users use, surely it should be dropped, as being past the understanding of the average (moron) arranger user? (As you posted in the 'What will we be using in ten years? thread)' Or is it only features that YOU use that you feel that Yamaha should keep...? You see where this could lead? Maybe Yamaha might take you seriously (however unlikely that might seem!) and start dropping features YOU use, if not many of your clients. THEN, what will you do..? Use a Roland? Fortunately, most arranger manufacturers do not design arrangers for morons. They just try to make sure that the advanced features do not prevent the morons from using them. And provide you with a (hopefully) handsome living as you explain and demonstrate these more advanced capabilities to those that can't figure them out for themselves. If Yamaha took you seriously, and provided NO advanced features (that few use), what would happen to your gig? Would you be reduced to teaching how to get a min 7th chord using One Note Fingering system (oh, that's right, you need three fingers for that one!).... Definitely not as much fun as showing them how you use the Style Creator to mix and match styles, no matter HOW few will ever go home and use it! [This message has been edited by Diki (edited 10-13-2007).]
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#164809 - 10/13/07 03:10 PM
Re: How Important is a Midi-to-Style converter feature on your arranger?
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14366
Loc: NW Florida
LOL.... actually, you play a 'home' keyboard. I play a 'pro' one! (at least, that's how MY manufacturer describes it!) But seriously....  Having lost one of my most essential workflow features to idiot 'market research' that decided not enough morons used this feature, I tend to be a bit more wary of the idea that arrangers SHOULD be optimized for the lowest common denominator. Hence my lack of humor about this...! In fact, I think that Yamaha has one of the most 'pro', advanced OS's out there, with MANY features that I can only dream about (or whine futilely at Roland about!). Multiple drum tracks, synchronized arranger and SMF players, arranger based lyrics displays, break/fills rather than break/mutes, multi-pads, the list goes on... But, as I've said before, sadly Roland use a 'home' OS in a 'pro' form factor and live sound, and Yamaha use a 'pro' OS on arrangers with 'home' form factor and sound. It a mixed up, topsy-turvy world we live in!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#164812 - 10/13/07 03:48 PM
Re: How Important is a Midi-to-Style converter feature on your arranger?
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: LOL.... actually, you play a 'home' keyboard. I play a 'pro' one! (at least, that's how MY manufacturer describes it!)
! MY arranger manufacturer likes to play around with the word "pro" as well, but I KNOW what I play, and I accept it as a HOME keyboard. If it has "easy play chords", "one touch settings" and "auto-accompaniment" then it's a HOME keyboard. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands. This flagrant use of the word "pro" reminds me of a car analogy... manufacturers used to put stripes, fake hood scoops, and a "GT" badge on a wheezy family sedan and call it a "Gran Turismo". Reeks of Walter Mitty...some even believed it. Oh well, back to my S900 and my dreams of fame and fortune. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#164816 - 10/13/07 04:23 PM
Re: How Important is a Midi-to-Style converter feature on your arranger?
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: Due to the weight and 'live-ness' of the sound, I have to take Roland seriously when they slap the 'pro' monicker on the G70. The 76 keys (apparently, Yamaha know full well no 'home user' ever wants that!) alone must make it a 'pro' only piece of kit...!
It's a duck, Diki, don't be fooled by the nomenclature and please don't quack up at my reply. The G70 is a very nice 76-note HOME arranger nevertheless...I will give you that. The fact that it's so heavy should tell you it wasn't meant to be moved...stays on the nest. The fact that it has "easy play chords" and "one touch setting" should also tell you it has webbed feet. No, my dear boy, face it...it's a duck...a nice duck, but a duck for sure. Isn't that just ducky. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#164820 - 10/13/07 05:05 PM
Re: How Important is a Midi-to-Style converter feature on your arranger?
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14366
Loc: NW Florida
How can it be a 'home' keyboard, if 'home' keyboards are not SUPPOSED to have 76 keys?  Don't tell me that Yamaha are deliberately ignoring a legitimate market? After all, they are the experts on what is, and isn't a 'home' keyboard... Actually, I agree with you, Ian... The G70 IS a 'home keyboard' with all the easy play features you could ask for. But dressed up in a 'pro' shell. As opposed to the S900, which I think is a 'pro' keyboard, dressed up in a 'home' shell (and throw in the easy play features for free!)... But if you are hearing ducks quack, it probably just means it is time for the annual migration south, to warm and sunny climes (like mine!)  Getting chilly up there, yet? Come on down some time, we'll go duck hunting!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!