Hi Roel,
Yes, I made MAJOR changes in my recording setup. First of all, instead of recording everything (including vocals) out the Technics KN5000's headphone jack (apparently a MAJOR BIG mistake ), I went out the keyboard's 1/4" outputs to my Mackie 1202 mixer. I used the same mic (AKG Condenser Mic model C3000) but this time I used a mic screen fabric gause unit (to prevent explosive P's) and ran my vocals thru an Alesis EFX (Quadraverb) unit instead of the Keyboard's EFX section. I think this attributed to the clearer/cleaner vocals. My previous recordings were made 'on the fly' in a live situation recorded to a portable mini disc recorder plugged directly into my keyboard's headphone jack which apparently provides compromised (headphone amp) sounding results.
In addition to this, I recorded my latest song performance to a Panasonic 3700 Professional DAT recorder rather than to my portable mini disc (MD) recorder. I was also able to monitor my recording thru a pair of Genelec 1029 near field monitors. I guess having the right recording equipment really does make all the difference.
BTW, I did not utilize the Behringer Shark DSP 110 or apply any type of vocal compression on this recording. I do find the Shark unit useful for live venues to avoid feedback though.
Roel, Thanks for the expertise and guidance you have provided in the area of recording. Hopefully as I continue to learn and discover more recording tricks, my future recordings will continue to improve.
Roel, I know it must seem like a LONG wait for the SD1, but it will be worth it! The many improved features and sounds (over the X1) are HUGE, not just a minor upgrade as suggested by some.
If only I could receive word from Solton regarding rootless (jazz) type chord recognition support. BTW, I would not have been able to use the Solton SD1 or X1 to achieve the kind of piano playing sound I got on "As Long As I'm Singing" because I mostly played rootless (jazz) style chord voicings (recognized by the Technics KN5000) exclusively on this song. Playing standard root (included) piano voicings as currently supported by Solton would provide less desireable sounding results (in my personal opinion). Nonetheless, I still like everything else about the SD1.

http://scottyee.com [This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 03-29-2001).]