My T3, kept in basement studio and unused for too long, now gaks on several of the TSD-0 series sound disks which were originally available. The Korg website seems never to have HEARD of the T-series, much less offer software support for it. In particular, I NEED the orchestral sound disk (TSD-04, or 06, I forget which).
Parenthetically, though I worked in music technology retail for 6 years, and have worked in Mac sales and support for 10, I am appalled at the way technology leaves these instruments behind. When computers are upgraded, at least the nature of the PRODUCT people make on them doesn't change...when all support disappears for a musical instrument and we're forced to "upgrade," our product - the music we make - is materially affected. Annoying at least, and maybe worse. Is the music technology community driven solely by commerce?
Anyway, can anyone help me with a source of sounds for the T3, particularly those original Korg library disks?
Email me at Thanks.