My question is simple. I use a roland G70 and a Promega3 (General Music) and Korg Triton module with a PC loaded with VST samples on the road, they are set up according to my liking for our repertoire.
Now i am looking for a piano with rythm section for the home.
I need to decide between Yamaha Clavinova cpv 309, Roland KR 107, General music GEnesys ensemble, Wersi giga Piano. I have heard both the roland and the GEM (but not at the same dealer)and i like the visuals of the Yamaha. Next to that i like the options of the wersi (and i really like wersi Organs sound, but never heard a decent piano sound from wersi) So what do you think of these choicess, did you hear them, did you like them?
I'll be going to the Musik messe in Frankfurt soon, and will decide there what to buy. What should i listen for and look out for when comparing these, what are theses instruments strong points and weeknesses, as i can't find any reliable reviews on the web and no comparisons at all.
Whats my purpose with this new instrument?
-Just to play my favourite music at home.
-Compose new tunes and fiddle with sounds
-Teach my daughter (9 year old) to play the piano.
-It has to look good in our livingroom (the wife says) compared to my current setup.