.... I don't know the ages of any of you kids, but I know I'm old .. no, I take that back. I'm oldER ..... I've said (very recently) on another page of this forum that music knows no age.... but that stuff on the Grammys ?!?!?!!!.....everything has to be over produced and underclothed to keep your mind off the music(?) ... I kept watching because I was hoping to hear Billy and Tony sing NY State .... stayed up to the end, but must have tuned in too late .... how was it?.... as for Mr. Sinatra, he could sit on a chair, cigarette in hand, glass of wine on the table (man I could NEVER drink red wine and sing, how 'bout you uncle dave?), with nothing but Jobim blowing bossa chords on guitar behind him, and sound GREAT!!! .... and the groups of MY teen era (mid-late 50's) could throw out some great harmonies over a 4 chord progression played mostly by piano (acoustic, of course), tenor, bass, and drums ..... PS right on about Alicia also UD .... seemed cute, but HOW did she keep those eyes open???
[This message has been edited by tony mads usa (edited 02-28-2002).]